Sunday, January 24, 2010

Vorsicht SMD @鹿頸

Fun route, can keep a reasonable fast speed!

lets see some pics!!

今次見到多架 Polo 喇!
比人影左 pat pat :p今次好多車會... Alfa, Fiat, VW...重有好多電單車... 同單車...

HK Fiat Club 架渡邊次郎! 超正! Lambo!!
VW Golf MK2 GTI! my fav!!

Fanling did a great job again and again!! thx so much!! enjoy very much!!

DIY Changing Shifting Gear Knob

"MIC Italian" Momo Shifting Gear Knob

Slide a old credit card on the top (near the ash tray) and bottom (E-brake) gap and pull it!!
use a phillips screwdriver to pop the clip (you really some strength) then pull the black plastic ring...

1. Put the black plastic provided in the kit
2. Put your ball on it lolz
3. Tight it
4. zip ties the cloth, then you are done!

Saturday, January 23, 2010



因為之前上左珠海出血,今次可以出小D!... 不過有D無貨, 要下次再血併!
今次買無聊野多... 拆門板工具, Polo尾塔頂, 車尾箱網, Momo 波棍頭....

買左好多尾章! 日日換都得... RMD $10-20

GTI Racing StickerGTI尾章

Italy MOMO shift knob 估下幾錢!?
旺角見到同一樣野,買緊 HKD$500... $RMB幾多? 你自己稔喇...!!



下次目標! 後剎車 + 256 通風盤!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

DIY Rear Areo wiper change (the plastic piece)

1. use something flat to remove the top and bottom plastic (what ever you call it)

2. pull the plastic piece out by your hand.
3. you will see 2 metal pieces (don't lose it!)

4. put the 2 metal pieces on the plastic slot 1, not the secone, because you will need to put your center clip back. (like the following pic)

5. slide the middle clip to the place it was.

6. put the top and bottom clips back to its place, and you are done!

Some information you may want to know:
(Dimension and parts number)

Driver side: 530mm (1K0 955 429)
Passenger side: 475mm (1K0 955 429 B)
Rear: 355mm (6Q6 955 426 A)

DIY Changing fog light

Since mine fog was broken by stone chips, and need to replace the light...

1. all you need... 2 fog lights Left and right, if you have white/yellow bulbs change it first

2. on the Left side, there is a small screw which hold the grill in place, unscrew it and pull it out

3. unscrew 3 T20 screws located on the light

4. pull the fog light out and disconnect the power

5. put all the things back from steps 4-3-2-1

6. for the right side, just pull the grill out! easy!

7. get a cold beer!


話說上回珠海大戰... 比錯料! 今日去開,順手換埋!

-上海大眾尾章 (未知痴係邊)
-霧鄧一對(因為右面比石仔打爆左, 橫惦都係! 換晒一對!!)

全部上海大眾正廠件! (T批徐外...)

Monday, January 18, 2010


從家裡某個地方發現到一些舊 VW 集誌,
當中有我的最愛 VW Performance Magazine, Golf+ , VW Golf Fan,
還有一本是集中POLO 9N的介召, 比現在什麼 C&D, Top Gear 好看得多!
但很貴... 百多元一本 >.<

Polo GTI 與 Golf GTI 的比併! (好像差不了多少) :p

Golf GT (TSI)

DIY setion:
Lupo 如可改避震

Forge Inter-cooler DIY installation :
6N Polo GTI introduction:

iPod your Polo

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Zhu Hai shopping 大出血!!

Before I go to shenzhen tour...
i "pre-shop" a little... when i pass by Zhu Hai this week

電油格 x1
機油隔 x1
冷氣風隔 x2
車牌燈 x2
中控台櫃桶仔 x1
錶版面櫃桶仔 x1
太陽眼鏡盒 x1
霧燈 x2
左面則鏡片 x1
後備車匙 x1
原裝短天線 x1
手套箱燈 x1

但係有好多比錯左... 霧燈我要一對...夠擔死比一隻左面(9N3)一隻右面(9N)...
左面則鏡鏡要左面有盲點... 比左塊無既我...
水刮... 比左 Jatta 無骨 司機位長左 2" 唔岩... 兩隻互打(為有DIY裁短佢)
霧燈,則鏡要囉去退返先得! >.

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