Discovered the brake switch
having a "Intermittent failure Disease..."
Went to Hnag On and got a new one, but the design is totally different already!
Parts Number: 6Q0 945 511

Brown one is the old one, and the black is the new one.

Totally different design.

After the installation:
Just a simply twist and turn, but be sure disconnect the cable before you do anything.
Oh, one more thing, "DO NOT PRESS" the brake paddle when you install the unit.
Okay, Whats wrong with the switch?
After i replaced the new switch unit, i started to discover the old switch which has a function to adjust the length of the nipple (the black clone thing) can turn left or right to make the adjustment.
The switch in LOCK position:

The switch in UNLOCK position:
(Which allow you to adjust the nipple length)

The switch in UNLOCK position:
(which you can adjust the length)

AFTER the adjustment:

So.... why would i say that? because the nipple can be adjusted by the unit to touch the metal on the brake paddle, which means from time to time, the length could be adjusted by itself when you press the brake paddle hard! and we won't even notice it.
After i took the switch out for study, the switch was in UNLOCK position, so i think this is the reason our switch got an
"Intermittent failure Disease"If you got an
"Intermittent failure Disease" with your switch, try to adjust the length of the nipple, and see if it works. If not, then replace the switch, it won't cost you much.