I went to the garage that FL43 C-Hing intorduce me, and
My PUG has 3 years old and 22,xxx km on the clock, time to have it change.
C FU is so nice! really nice, help a lot thx for that!
And i have a chance to see underneath the PUG. and took some pics
wa....so clean.... hahaha
Its really hard to find the tranny oil in Hong Kong, C FU found VWHK, Lee Yuen, Hang On.
they both don't have this oil. cuz there are so many different oil for Polos
And he need to find another "hong Ga" and buy from them...
I guess this two oil is the only 2 in hk...
If u wanna change? please order it first.
Parts # G 070 726 A2
And this is the Break Oil DOT 4
Parts # 99 90 0004
usually the MT tranny fluid needs to be changed on how many km?
can we order the tranny fluid at lee yuen?
I guess around 20,000km - 30,000km, after i changed it smooth like a ice-cream again~ lolz
definitely you can feel the different!!
Yes you can order it at Lee Yuen.
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